In an era where America and Western Civilization are under attack, John De Gree has been creating patriotic games, videos, and curriculum to teach Judeo-Christian, Greco-Roman heritage throughout his 30 years of teaching and 11 years as President of Classical Historian. Come to this talk to learn practical, educational, and FUN activities to do with your grandchildren, children, and students in small or full classrooms.
How to Teach with Games and the Socratic Discussion
In this informative and practical talk, John De Gree will explain how to teach history to an individual, a big family of various aged kids, a co-op, or a classroom setting. You will learn how to use games for all ages, how to assign presentations with children of different levels, and how to encourage your students to search for the truth while using the Socratic discussion.
How to Teach the Socratic Discussion in Five Steps
How to Teach with Games for Co-ops
A History of Education: How Did We Get Here?
Aliyah Jeffries and Home Schooling History
Aliyah Jeffries lives in the busy city of New York. She and her husband have been married for almost fifteen years and have three boys, ages twelve, eleven and six. She has been homeschooling for eight years. After trying different homeschool styles, the Classical approach to teaching and learning became a beautiful way to learn together for her family. She enjoys nature walks with her family, fitness, occasionally making YouTube videos, reading and participating in book discussions.
Aliyah will be sharing why she believes learning history alongside her children benefit them and herself. She hopes to encourage parents by discussing some of the things she does to continue her history education to aid her in her homeschool to make it fun and enjoyable for the whole family. Aliyah will share her experiences with Classical Historian games, curriculum, and as a member of The Dolphin Society participating in the History Book Club.
How do I Nurture Honest and Inquisitive Students/ Children in History?
Many parents ask me, "How do I teach history when I hated learning it in school?" Or they say, "I was never good at learning history. How can I teach it?" This talk will give you a peaceful mindset in confronting these issues and will provide practical advice on how a home school parent can quickly "get up to speed" with history.
The Dolphin Society: How it Can Help You Teach History
John De Gree will introduce and explain the vast resources that Dolphin Society Members enjoy. Many times, home school teachers and classroom teachers feel overwhelmed and overworked. The Dolphin Society contains hours and hours of podcasts, videos, and lessons that make teaching history easier and great.
Exceptionalism: American Society on the Eve of the American Revolution Mike Allen, co-author of A Patriot's History of the United States, #1 NY Times and #1 Amazon Best-Seller 11:00 - 11:45 AM (PT), Q & A after
How to Teach the Socratic Discussion in American History
This 35-minute talk introduces the five steps to teaching history with the Classical Historian approach and includes sample lessons from The Tools of the Historian and sample open-ended questions.
Teaching Government and History through the US Elections, 2020
It’s that time again….An Election Year! John De Gree of The Classical Historian will show you strategies and techniques how to teach American Government and history and also teach your children/students about the Republicans and Democrats, about conservatives and liberals, and about the media. Come to this talk and pick up concrete lessons you can use with your littlest ones through high school age. Learn about The Dolphin Society, an Exclusive Membership for Home School Moms and Teachers of History. The seminar includes a free Teaching the U.S. Elections pdf download.