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- High School American History Video Course with Michael Allen, Ph.D.
High School American History Video Course with Michael Allen, Ph.D.
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Table of Contents
Supplemental Materials
Professor Mike Allen's 30-plus hour online video course covers everything from Christopher Columbus through the Reagan Revolution. New York Times and Amazon Best-Selling Co-Author, with Larry Schweikart, of A Patriot's History of the United States, Mike Allen's lectures are educational, entertaining, lively, and personable. Allen's lessons are "countercultural," as they go against the revisionist historians so popular in our country.
Allen weaves into his narration of American History his common sense and thoughtful attitude. Always posing the question, "Compared to what?" Allen challenges the revisionist interpretation of American history by showing what was happening throughout the world at the time Americans were establishing the freest republic on Earth. Allen's lectures not only teach history content, they compel the listener to challenge assumptions and modern-day interpretations of America's past. And on top of all of this, his lessons are entertaining and interesting.
This online video course comes complete with corresponding vocabulary words, images, maps, and after each five lessons, a multiple-question test that students need to pass in order to continue. Any high school student could take this course and count it as a full high school credit. This course may be used as a stand alone or as an addition to a home school classroom using Classical Historian's American history bundle. Once enrolling, the purchaser will receive login information within two business working days.
About Mike Allen:
Michael Allen, Professor of History at the University of Washington, Tacoma, was born and raised in Ellensburg, Washington. To gain experience of what it is like living and working in different parts of America, Allen worked on the Mississippi River for three years (think Mark Twain). After serving with the U.S. Marines in Vietnam, he graduated with a BA, MA, and Ph.D. from Central Washington State College, University of Montana, and University of Washington. He has published five books and taught at Tennessee Tech, Deep Springs College, Eastern Montana College, and UW Tacoma. He is a retired professor and lives in Ellensburg, Washington.
Allen weaves into his narration of American History his common sense and thoughtful attitude. Always posing the question, "Compared to what?" Allen challenges the revisionist interpretation of American history by showing what was happening throughout the world at the time Americans were establishing the freest republic on Earth. Allen's lectures not only teach history content, they compel the listener to challenge assumptions and modern-day interpretations of America's past. And on top of all of this, his lessons are entertaining and interesting.
This online video course comes complete with corresponding vocabulary words, images, maps, and after each five lessons, a multiple-question test that students need to pass in order to continue. Any high school student could take this course and count it as a full high school credit. This course may be used as a stand alone or as an addition to a home school classroom using Classical Historian's American history bundle. Once enrolling, the purchaser will receive login information within two business working days.
About Mike Allen:
Michael Allen, Professor of History at the University of Washington, Tacoma, was born and raised in Ellensburg, Washington. To gain experience of what it is like living and working in different parts of America, Allen worked on the Mississippi River for three years (think Mark Twain). After serving with the U.S. Marines in Vietnam, he graduated with a BA, MA, and Ph.D. from Central Washington State College, University of Montana, and University of Washington. He has published five books and taught at Tennessee Tech, Deep Springs College, Eastern Montana College, and UW Tacoma. He is a retired professor and lives in Ellensburg, Washington.
1a. Vocabulary: The Colonial Experience Virginia and Massachusetts 1607-1689
1a. Samoset and the Pilgrims, book engraving, created in 1863
1a. Video Lesson: The Colonial Experience Virginia and Massachusetts 1607-1689
1b. Vocabulary: American Exceptionalism, 1708-1763
1b. European Colonies in North America
1b. Video Lesson: Exceptionalism - Americanization
2. Vocabulary: American Revolutionary Ideas
2. John Locke, 1697 by Godfrey Kneller
2. Video Lesson: American Revolutionary Ideas
3. Vocabulary: Road to the Revolution
3. Proclamation of 1763
3. Video Lesson: Road to the Revolution
4. Vocabulary: Revolutionary War in One Lesson
4. Join, or Die, by Benjamin Franklin, 1754
4. Video Lesson: Revolutionary War in One Lesson
5. Vocabulary: Origins of the Constitution
5. The US Constitution
5. Video Lesson: Origins of the Constitution
Unit 1 Test
6. Vocabulary: Birth of Political Parties
6. Video Lesson: Birth of Political Parties
6. Alexander Hamilton, painted by Alonzo Chappel, 1828-1887
7. Vocabulary: Revolution of 1800
7. The Whiskey Rebellion, created 1795
7. Video Lesson: Revolution of 1800
8. Vocabulary: War of 1812
8. Battle of Lake Erie, by Wiliam Henry Powell, created in 1865
8. Video Lesson: War of 1812
9. Early American Folk Heroes, 1815-1836
9. Davy Crockett, by William Henry Huddle, 1847-1892
9. Video Lesson: Early American Folk Heroes, 1815-1848
10. Vocabulary: Jacksonian Society and Culture, 1815-1848
10. Andrew Jackson, Battle of New Orleans, by Edward Percy Moran, 1910
10. Video Lesson: Jacksonian Society and Culture, 1815-1848
Unit 2 Test
11. Vocabulary: Jacksonian Politics, 1824-1840
11. Indian Removal Map
11. Video Lesson: Jacksonian Politics, 1824-1840
12. Early American Women, Colonial Times Through 1848
12. Martha Washington, by Gilbert Stuart, created in 1800-1825
12. Video Lesson: Early American Women Colonial Through 1848
13. Vocabulary: African-American Folklore Through the Civil War
13. Brer Rabbit. Uncle Remus: His Songs and His Sayings, A.B. Frost 1895
13. Video Lesson: African-American Folklore Through the Civil War
14. Vocabulary: Nationalism v. Sectionalism, 1776-1819
14. Sectionalism
14. Video Lesson: Nationalism v. Sectionalism, 1776-1819
15. Vocabulary: Manifest Destiny, Westward Expansion, 1803-1848
15. Westward Expansion Map
15. VideoLesson: Manifest Destiny Westward Expansion 1803-1848
Unit 3 Test
16. Vocabulary: Abraham Lincoln and the Crisis of the Union
16. Abraham Lincoln, 1863, by Alexander Gardner
16. Video Lesson: Abraham Lincoln and the Crisis of the Union
17. Vocabulary: The Civil War in One Lesson, 1861-1865
17. Battle of Monitor v. Merrimack, 1862
17. Video Lesson: The Civil War in One Lesson, 1861-1865
18. Vocabulary: Reconstruction and the New South, 1865-1896
18. Freedmen Voting in New Orleans, 1867
18. Video Lesson: Reconstruction and the New South, 1863-1877
19. Vocabulary: The Great Plains Wars, 1863-1877
19. U.S. Army-Cavalry Pursuing Indians, 1876
19. Video Lesson: The Great Plains Indian Wars, 1863-1877
20. Vocabulary: Capitalism and the American Industrial Revolution, 1865-1900
20. Andrew Carnegie, photography by Theodore Marceau, 1913
20. Video Lesson: Capitalism and the American Industrial Revolution, 1865-1900
Unit 4 Test
21. Vocabulary: Reform: Populism and Progressivism, 1892-1917
21. William Jennings Bryan, 1896
21. Video Lesson: Reform-Populism and Progressivism, 1892-1917
22. Vocabulary: Expansion and World Power, 1898-1918
22. Colonel Roosevelt and the Rough Riders, 1898
22. Video Lesson: Expansion and World Power, 1898-1918
23. Vocabulary: The Roaring 20s, Politician and Culture, 1920-1928
23. Josephine Baker dances the Charleston, 1926
23. Video Lesson: The Roaring 20s Politicians and Culture, 1920-1928
24. Vocabulary: Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal, 1933-1936
24. Dorothea Lange’s Migrant Mother, 1936
24. Video Lesson: Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal, 1933-1936
25. Vocabulary: World War II and the Greatest Generation, 1941-1945
25. Ruins of Warsaw after German Destruction, 1945
25. Video Lesson: World War II and the Greatest Generation, 1941-1945
Unit 5 Test
26. Vocabulary: Harry S. Truman: Right Man, Right Place, Right Time
26. Harry S. Truman, 1947
26. Video Lesson: Harry S. Truman: Right Man, Right Place, Right Time
27. The Fabulous 50s: Eisenhower's Dynamic Conservatism
27. Elvis, 1957
27. Video Lesson: The Fabulous 50s: Eisenhower’s Dynamic Conservatism
28. Vocabulary: The Civil Rights Movement, 1954-1968
28. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. "I have a dream” speech, 1963
28. Video Lesson: The Civil Rights Movement, 1954-1968
29. Vocabulary: 1968: Nixon, Vietnam, and the End of an Era
29: Richard Nixon Campaigning for President, 1968
29. Video Lesson: 1968: Nixon, Vietnam, and the End of an Era
30. Vocabulary: The “Reagan Revolution,” 1974-1994
30: President Reagan, “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” 1987
30. Video Lesson: The “Reagan Revolution,” 1974-1994
Unit 6 Test
Final Assessment
1a. Samoset and the Pilgrims, book engraving, created in 1863
1a. Video Lesson: The Colonial Experience Virginia and Massachusetts 1607-1689
1b. Vocabulary: American Exceptionalism, 1708-1763
1b. European Colonies in North America
1b. Video Lesson: Exceptionalism - Americanization
2. Vocabulary: American Revolutionary Ideas
2. John Locke, 1697 by Godfrey Kneller
2. Video Lesson: American Revolutionary Ideas
3. Vocabulary: Road to the Revolution
3. Proclamation of 1763
3. Video Lesson: Road to the Revolution
4. Vocabulary: Revolutionary War in One Lesson
4. Join, or Die, by Benjamin Franklin, 1754
4. Video Lesson: Revolutionary War in One Lesson
5. Vocabulary: Origins of the Constitution
5. The US Constitution
5. Video Lesson: Origins of the Constitution
Unit 1 Test
6. Vocabulary: Birth of Political Parties
6. Video Lesson: Birth of Political Parties
6. Alexander Hamilton, painted by Alonzo Chappel, 1828-1887
7. Vocabulary: Revolution of 1800
7. The Whiskey Rebellion, created 1795
7. Video Lesson: Revolution of 1800
8. Vocabulary: War of 1812
8. Battle of Lake Erie, by Wiliam Henry Powell, created in 1865
8. Video Lesson: War of 1812
9. Early American Folk Heroes, 1815-1836
9. Davy Crockett, by William Henry Huddle, 1847-1892
9. Video Lesson: Early American Folk Heroes, 1815-1848
10. Vocabulary: Jacksonian Society and Culture, 1815-1848
10. Andrew Jackson, Battle of New Orleans, by Edward Percy Moran, 1910
10. Video Lesson: Jacksonian Society and Culture, 1815-1848
Unit 2 Test
11. Vocabulary: Jacksonian Politics, 1824-1840
11. Indian Removal Map
11. Video Lesson: Jacksonian Politics, 1824-1840
12. Early American Women, Colonial Times Through 1848
12. Martha Washington, by Gilbert Stuart, created in 1800-1825
12. Video Lesson: Early American Women Colonial Through 1848
13. Vocabulary: African-American Folklore Through the Civil War
13. Brer Rabbit. Uncle Remus: His Songs and His Sayings, A.B. Frost 1895
13. Video Lesson: African-American Folklore Through the Civil War
14. Vocabulary: Nationalism v. Sectionalism, 1776-1819
14. Sectionalism
14. Video Lesson: Nationalism v. Sectionalism, 1776-1819
15. Vocabulary: Manifest Destiny, Westward Expansion, 1803-1848
15. Westward Expansion Map
15. VideoLesson: Manifest Destiny Westward Expansion 1803-1848
Unit 3 Test
16. Vocabulary: Abraham Lincoln and the Crisis of the Union
16. Abraham Lincoln, 1863, by Alexander Gardner
16. Video Lesson: Abraham Lincoln and the Crisis of the Union
17. Vocabulary: The Civil War in One Lesson, 1861-1865
17. Battle of Monitor v. Merrimack, 1862
17. Video Lesson: The Civil War in One Lesson, 1861-1865
18. Vocabulary: Reconstruction and the New South, 1865-1896
18. Freedmen Voting in New Orleans, 1867
18. Video Lesson: Reconstruction and the New South, 1863-1877
19. Vocabulary: The Great Plains Wars, 1863-1877
19. U.S. Army-Cavalry Pursuing Indians, 1876
19. Video Lesson: The Great Plains Indian Wars, 1863-1877
20. Vocabulary: Capitalism and the American Industrial Revolution, 1865-1900
20. Andrew Carnegie, photography by Theodore Marceau, 1913
20. Video Lesson: Capitalism and the American Industrial Revolution, 1865-1900
Unit 4 Test
21. Vocabulary: Reform: Populism and Progressivism, 1892-1917
21. William Jennings Bryan, 1896
21. Video Lesson: Reform-Populism and Progressivism, 1892-1917
22. Vocabulary: Expansion and World Power, 1898-1918
22. Colonel Roosevelt and the Rough Riders, 1898
22. Video Lesson: Expansion and World Power, 1898-1918
23. Vocabulary: The Roaring 20s, Politician and Culture, 1920-1928
23. Josephine Baker dances the Charleston, 1926
23. Video Lesson: The Roaring 20s Politicians and Culture, 1920-1928
24. Vocabulary: Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal, 1933-1936
24. Dorothea Lange’s Migrant Mother, 1936
24. Video Lesson: Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal, 1933-1936
25. Vocabulary: World War II and the Greatest Generation, 1941-1945
25. Ruins of Warsaw after German Destruction, 1945
25. Video Lesson: World War II and the Greatest Generation, 1941-1945
Unit 5 Test
26. Vocabulary: Harry S. Truman: Right Man, Right Place, Right Time
26. Harry S. Truman, 1947
26. Video Lesson: Harry S. Truman: Right Man, Right Place, Right Time
27. The Fabulous 50s: Eisenhower's Dynamic Conservatism
27. Elvis, 1957
27. Video Lesson: The Fabulous 50s: Eisenhower’s Dynamic Conservatism
28. Vocabulary: The Civil Rights Movement, 1954-1968
28. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. "I have a dream” speech, 1963
28. Video Lesson: The Civil Rights Movement, 1954-1968
29. Vocabulary: 1968: Nixon, Vietnam, and the End of an Era
29: Richard Nixon Campaigning for President, 1968
29. Video Lesson: 1968: Nixon, Vietnam, and the End of an Era
30. Vocabulary: The “Reagan Revolution,” 1974-1994
30: President Reagan, “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” 1987
30. Video Lesson: The “Reagan Revolution,” 1974-1994
Unit 6 Test
Final Assessment
Video Lesson 20: Capitalism and the Industrial Revolution
In this lesson, one that Professor Mike calls "probably the most important lesson of all," Allen explains the myth of the robber barons and the crucial role the free market played in raising the standard of living for all Americans.
In this lesson, one that Professor Mike calls "probably the most important lesson of all," Allen explains the myth of the robber barons and the crucial role the free market played in raising the standard of living for all Americans.